Hi! I'm Pier Giuseppe Ledda

I am a fluid mechanics researcher working at the University of Cagliari, Italy. I obtained my PhD degree at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (VD), Switzerland.

Research focus

My research involves different aspects of fluid mechanics. During my PhD, I extensively worked within the framework of flows past permeable bluff bodies (aerodynamic flows and falling objects) and pattern formation of thin liquid films.

I exploited several approaches based on hydrodynamic instability theory and asymptotic methods, combining them with numerical simulations and experimental campaigns to assess pattern formation and practical consequences on flows of interest.

Current work

I am currently working at the University of Cagliari, DICAAR. My research interests also involve bio-fluid mechanics (cardiovascular and eye-tamponade flows), aerodynamics, heat transfer and dispersion in indoor environments as well as turbulent atmospheric flows around and through canopies and their effect on the surrounding environment.

Pier Giuseppe Ledda

Università degli Studi
di Cagliari (DICAAR),

PierGiuseppe.Ledda [at] unica [dot] it

Institutional page

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